The Clarinet in the World of Tales!

The concert may be adjusted to all levels of musical knowledge.
Click chamber music.

Ragna's Voice-Game

Ragna Fagelund, conductor, singer and teacher of singing, has many strings on her musical instrument. Apart from having conducted symphony orchestras and operettes, she has in her native land Norway worked for 12 years with children´s and youth choirs. These choirs won several prizes in competitions arranged by Radio Norway.

All this experience has Ragna Fagelund mixed in a performance for children where she in the form of a game gives the children the opportunity to discover and play with their singing voice. The pupils are very active during the performance.
At the piano: the pianist Lars-Olof Norée

This unique show is now introduced.

Ragna´s voice-game:
Pupils: children aged 3-6 or 6-9 years
Number: 40 including parents
Time: 40 minutes
Period: all year
Place: decided by the applicant
Needed: : a well-sounding piano

Welcome with your application!